The Change Starts With You

Make A Difference In Your Community Today


       Welcome to ABPOL  A Bigger Prospective On Life where we provide rehousing , counseling service connections, and other supportive services for individuals  in a shared family-like  environment; focusing on older adults and vets who needs permanent independent housing due to hospitalization, rehabilitation, displacement or who are at a disadvantaged due to hardship complexities or traumas . Our approach is to  provide preventative intervention to these individuals who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. In an attempt to provide resources, therapy, housing, and employment in most cases these individuals must  qualify for our services. Depending on the type and severity of their problems, we offer comprehensive measures that directly pinpoints the services necessary to help mold the individual's condition to live in as a more responsible human in a civil society.

     ABPOL also extends Refugee services programs and support provided to individual who have fled their home countries due to persecution, war, or violence. These services may include assistance with resettlement, housing, language training, employment help, and access to healthcare.

We provide safe housing and comprehensive resources to individuals , including vets who may lack self-sufficiency due to traumas, abuse, and homelessness through compassionate support and empowerment. We aim to help our clients rebuild their lives, regain independence, and thrive in a nurturing community environment.

WE WANT YOU TO KNOW That displacement Isn't just about not having a place to go, there are many factors that contributes to be displacement. Many times these issues can lead to abuse on yourself and others leaving the horrifying scars both internally and externally. Being displaced or at a disadvantage due to traumas or lack of nurturing and encouragement can take on a far more invisible but dangerous exposure to  daily life. Regardless of the cause of an individual's situation, we have the ability to help set realistic goals towards helping them become better humans that are able to live normal and harmless lives. Developmental opportunities also leads to creating better lifestyles. SO PLEASE,  if you suspect anyone is at a disadvantage or who is displaced it's important to SPEAK OUT.

     We Believe that catching the problem as early as possible, each individual can get the help they need.

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    We focus on contributing ways to help our society to be filled with responsible individuals who are able to take control of their own lives as well as the choices they make. Therefore, we strive to offer pathways through personal centered therapy that delivers a supportive and unconditional positive result to the homelessness epidemic in our communities. Over time we've come the realization that building trustworthy relationships of compassion and  sincerity with open arms to individuals and their situations suggest better end results. That's why we take each case as personal as if it were our own. Immediately we navigate through our programs, community services, and outreach programs to find the best one to fit each person's unique individual's situation. With our dedicated approach to supporting family structures, we continuously research strategies to help build and maintain healthy living environments as well as one's well-being. 


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     In our observation, we've noticed that individuals suffering from social complexities of homelessness, displacement, lack of encouragement, and support need to have resources introduced in a manner that's slightly different from one another because each situation is different.. Therefore, it's our duty to lead adults in the direction where relatable resources are effectively made available and suitable to first mentally meet them where they are in their development. Needless to say, that programs such as ABPOL are beneficial  and necessary for day to day functioning. The goal is to work hard to help overcome the system of  homelessness concerns to build better communities by helping to shape and mold the individuals who is in them. We understand that it can be challenging for some to get the help they need due to the lack of providers in their area or the lack of knowing that HELP exist.

      In an supportive effort to make sure each person gets the help they need, ABPOL INC. offers shared housing and other  comprehensive support services to those individuals in need. Every case and every situation is an urgency to us. Our targeted goals are to:

Reduce the number of individuals/households who become homeless by providing front-door shelter diversion services and homeless prevention assistance.

Shortening the length of time an individual or household experiences homeless by quickly connecting them to safe permanent housing.

Reduce the number of people that return to homelessness by ensuring households are connected to income supports, natural support networks, and community-based resources.

Limit the transmission and negative health impacts of COVID-19 for people experiencing homelessness.

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NO ONE SHOULD EXPERIENCE fear and worries that causes sadness hopelessness and homelessness due to displacement or traumas. Many times you will notice that those who suffer are uninterested in things that they should normally be enjoying. Becoming irritated easily and Refusing to participate in fun activities, work , or peers is also prevalent in their  behavior. When people do not outgrow the fears and worries that are associated with being mentally abused or socially challenged it interferes with school, home, daily activities, and personalities. These traits are also known to be anxieties. Not only does anxiety play a pondering role, social abuse also causes depression. In many cases, studies have shown that this causes alcoholism and or change in eating habits that occur often times than none and usually can lead to noticeable change in communication with others. Unfortunately ,these people will have a hard time paying attention and taking responsibility for themselves. Instability; if not addressed and attended to in early stages of it's occurrence it  could cause extreme destructive behavior against others and may lead to suicide. 

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We can all agree that everyone needs love and support, which is why NOT living a healthy life style is so devastating when it's brought to our attention. ABPOL have taken on the advocacy role to assist those in need . We've partnered with many established programs , outreach centers, legal support groups , agencies and other authorities that will conduct proper investigations to provide intervention and gear towards giving our individuals a fighting chance to grow and develop in a safe home environment. Our support team takes mandatory measures to assure progressive services using aggressive tactics. What do we mean by aggressive? We ensure that one's welfare is first and foremost. 

         We conduct re-entry into society seminars, supportive group sessions, and one-on-one sessions that offers information about living in such environments, how to get help, appropriate programs to enroll in, and much more. Through proven outreach interventions and research based methodologies our outreach services and affiliate programs have been demonstrated to enable participants to have transformative  experiences, which in turn changes the person's mindset to know that they are loved and cared for so that they are able to function and grow to live productive and fulfilled lives.

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We Thank You For Your Generosity In Advance. Your Contribution Helps To make A Positive Impact on Society
And Makes A Significant Difference 

             These Are The Stories From Victims Who Were Kind Enough To Share Their Traumatic Experiences With Us. Destruction As a Child can Lead to a Displaced Adult

    The trauma of abuse is never fully gone from a person's consciousness. It's filthy stain leaves it's residue on the soul forever. However, like all bad experiences, it is possible to turn this experience into good by developing compassion and empathy for self and others who have been through this experience. Many people feel that bringing meaning to a traumatic experience is a path to healing but people like me that suffers from  mental abuse try to turn a negative experience into something positive that will brings meaning into our lives. Some of us look for our abuser later in life just to get back that revenge... and most times it doesn't end well.  The child always suffer.
Brian C., Texas ( now serving life in prison for the murder of his abuser)

Too many times I have used my smile to trick people into thinking everything was okay with me, but in reality, it felt like everything was falling apart. I tried showing others that I was happy, but there was still something inside of me that continued eating away at my smile. I was abused physically, mentally and emotionally by family members that came to live with my parents and I. Today I'm still recovering from all of the insults and names I was called. I'm 19 years old now and most would think that I would by over the pain," I will never be over it. " I spend most of my time alone and when I do try to engage with others I feel embarrassed because it feels like I'm sticking out like a sore thumb. In my head I believe that everyone is watching and they all know what happen to me as a child' so I shy away. Nowadays, my only person I really feel safe around is me.
Vincent Y., Ohio

     Another bad day when nothing went right. The minute he laid eyes on me I knew he saw nothing but red. As always, he would remind me of how stupid I was for be a girl child. He said he never wanted any children at all and when I came I made things even worst. When Mom passed away, I was hoping that someone else would take me in, but of coarse that didn't happen. At the time I was only 7 years old. Not old enough to make my own decisions, but I surely had some good ideas about running away, So I tried. Unfortunately, one of his friends caught me at the end of our dead end street. I didn't get far. Later that day while eating dinner, he begin to yelling for no reason at all. He picked up his plate and threw it across the room. I was terrified ! I thought that night I would die. Instead he went into the basement and stayed there all night. Silently I got up from the table and went into my lonely room hoping to fall asleep quickly. That didn't happen because I was too terrified to close my eyes. Finally I fell off to sleep. Early that morning, I wondered why he didn't come to my room as he usually do to yell  'get your lazy ass out of the bed, you should've went to sleep early enough!' I slowly walked to his bedroom and pressed my ear against the door trying to listen for his snores but I heard nothing. I eased open the door all to find the man that never wanted me had swallowed two bottles of pills and killed himself. After all the traumatizing, loud yelling, name calling every day and night I was happy that he killed himself and not me. My life remains bitter sweet and sometimes I actually find myself looking forward to the torture. At least I'm still alive ! My therapy sessions have increased due to my two suicide attempts on my own life, I've been on several psych wards inside of a hospital outside of my town. I now reside here at a place where they say is for friends like me and they are going to get me all better, but I don't know what that means. 
Melanie N., P.A.

      Out of rage, he would put his hands over my mouth and around my throat. Out of endearment he ran his fingers through my hair, while whispering sweet things in my ear. He said things I knew he couldn't have meant . One beat my body, the other beat my soul. While I fought to free myself from his tight grip and what seemed like a spellbind, I felt as if I was slowly passing out. When he decided to let me go and pushing me to the floor, he never forgot to add on how much of a slut I was. Many times he would use his boot to pin me to the floor and dare me to break away. Sometimes I thought my hear would just stop beating . Until now I don't know who was the bigger monster, his hands or his words.
Sonja H., Maryland

GET HELP NOW 800-675-5583

Today we're asking you to help us to continue to fight for the welfare of human beings. We all deserve to have a normal and stable life in an environment where they are loved and wanted. Please give what you can so that we can maintain this movement for them. ABPOL appreciates your kindness and generosity. OUR COMMITMENT TO EQUITY STATEMENT: ABPOL INC. promotes equity, creates opportunity, and improves lives by increasing access to education, employment, health, and housing. We achieve equity by dismantling systemic and institutional barriers underrepresented communities face in pursuit of happiness and the quest to realize their dreams. We respect and value all people without regard to race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or citizenship status, age or ability status. We expect our partner organizations, grantees, staff, volunteers, board members, vendors, and key collaborators to uphold these standards YOUR INFORMATION AND NEEEDS ARE CONFIDENTIAL